Sunday, 28 January 2024

Luxor sweater finished

 We talked about another sweater for my husband that I could knit for him. The first one was a round yoke sweater with dark brown main colour, a Threipmuir, design by Ysolda Teague. He loves that sweater. We talked about choosing another main colour, for variation with the Threipmuir sweater. However, as soon as he saw the yarn of the crossbread that I had been spinning in our holiday cottage, several holidays in a row (he never noticed it then), he fell in love with that darkest, almost black colour. So, that was the yarn-to-be for his next sweater.

Then to choosing a pattern. Ravelry is full of beautiful sweater patterns, and I have stored hundreds as favourites. When I made a swatch and had an idea of the nr of stitches per 10 cm, I looked at the sweaters that I had selected in that gauge range and made a few suggestions to hem. The choice fell on Luxor.

That was a good choice because:

  • The yoke gave options to use leftover yarns
  • In case the main colour would not be sufficient, I could repeat the pattern in the body close to the bottom and the arms. It appeared that I needed that, and made the pattern detail at the body equal to that at the arms.
So I started in november, and at some point in december it was finished. He wears it, is very happy with it and so am I!

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