Saturday 23 March 2024

March update

 This month goes by so fast! Some specifics that are worth mentioning and remembering for me are:

We were in Sweden the first week of March. Always nice. I spun a lot, but I did some outdoor work too, like gathering branches that had fallen down on the grass during winter storms, raking the last of the autumn leaves that had fallen down after we were there in November. The beech tree had still a lot of brown leaves when we left then, and now they had all come down. As it is an old tree, it loses many branches too, small sticks as well as a bit larger ones. I freed the locks of the three-chamber well (for our waste-water) of leaves, weeds and moss, so that the guys emptying it can find them. The honeysuckle that climbs the wall of the outhouse got a hair-cut and I removed dried, brown sticks of flowering plants that died down in the autumn but will grow fresh green leaves and yellow flowers again in spring.

My son had his birthday while we were away. He did really not mind! He declared that he only wants to receive presents that are useful, so I tried to find something in every shop we visited, and we were rather successful. And the best of it all was, that he agreed and he was really happy with the finds from Sweden.

Back home, there was not so much spinning. However, I knitted another pair of fingerless mittens as contribution to a knit-along on basic fingerless mittens where you are supposed to use your own imagination to create something unique. More information is to be found on Ravelry.

March: the days are getting longer. The temperatures are still quite low, but the sun is getting stronger. Plants are emerging from the soil. My rhubarb plants are coming, and I am sure that this year, they are strong enough so that I can harvest from them. That will be the first time, and I do hope they are a bit sweet and not too bitter.

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