Sunday 16 March 2014

Breirol, Knitting Roll or Stick Rulle

The Knitting Roll is finished! Here is a picture of the whole shawl (in two parts) showing all used knitting patterns:

The patterns come, from top to bottom, from the following sources:

1, 2 and 3 are a combination of knitting in rib, knitting 3 together and wrapping yarn around the needle, all three practically identical but with a different number of normal rows in between (the pattern row is knit every 8, 4 and 2 rows respectively). These I have learned from a member in my spinning group.
4 and 5 are alternating holes made by yarn wraps and knitting together, but this time the holes are not straight above each other but alternating. Also these are taught to me by the same member of the spinning group.
6 (second picture) is derived from an old knitting book containing only knitting patterns. No author is mentioned in the book and the name of the pattern is something like Rhomb-ribbing.
7 and 8 are mentioned as old knitting patterns and are explained in a book about knitting with Gotland wool, 'Ekoull och Gotländsk sticksöm' by Ulla Persson and Kicki Trodin. Kråkspark and Björklöv (birchleave) are the names of the patterns.
8 is from the same book as number 6 and is called Korenaar (´Ear of corn´ according to the on-line translator).
9 is the last pattern, again from the member of the spinning group. This pattern has the lace holes running in diagonals between vertical bars.

After this pattern I ran out of yarn, as the yarn is handspun by me of a Dorset sheep, there is no more to be obtained of the same kind so I bound of.

Now I will give the shawl to a dear friend who has said that she adores lace and loves this shawl.

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