Saturday 7 November 2015

Yarn bundling with iron

I have actually used frozen walnut hulls for another dye project. Before they had a chance to thaw and get slimy, I cut them in desired pieces and put them in my yarn bundle, together with onions, a little madder and sandlewood and some rusty screws, spikes and other pieces of iron. I steamed it this time and packed it up when cooled down. A very nice result! The iron made it a lot darker.
Here are the iron parts that I put into the three bundles. The actually stuck to the yarn when unpacking. A Ravelry friend suggested to pack them in thin fabric before putting them in the yarn bundle, which I will try next time.

There were actually three packages, and I was lucky to find a metal steaming device ( well, actually it is not intended for it, but I found it very handy) so now I have tested steaming as well:

And here is another of the bundled yarns:

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